Wednesday, September 9, 2009




About Me

First, if you don't know about the thousands of dreams I've been documenting over the past six years, please click here and spend a few minutes reading...I promise you it will not be a waste of your time.


About my new dream cd's and Subliminal Messages

Definition: A subliminal message is a signal or message embedded in another medium, designed to pass below the normal limits of the human mind's perception. These messages are unrecognizable by the conscious mind, but in certain situations can affect the subconscious mind and can negatively or positively influence subsequent later thoughts, behaviors, actions, attitudes, belief systems and value systems. The term subliminal means "beneath a limen" (sensory threshold). This is from the Latin words sub, meaning under, and limen, meaning threshold.

My subliminal messages and affirmations are designed to encourage delta brain patterns (deep sleep).  Each CD soundtrack is recorded in my own voice using knowledge gained from my dreams during the past 6.  This knowledge consists of hundreds of dream affirmations I have found to be the most successful in helping myself and others...this is not like any other subliminal programming out there, and I guarantee these audio sessions will work for you.

These CD's are designed to be played only while sleeping and have not been tested in any other method.  Embedded soundtracks are recorded in delta phase, which in most people is deep sleep.  If you have trouble sleeping, these CD's have been proven to 'knock you out'...please see my comments section  below for examples of what people are already saying.

 WARNING: Playing my CD's will cause you to fall not use while driving or at anytime you need to be alert.  


Subliminal Test

The image above is not animated in anyway, nor is anything moving on this webpage...if you see motion above, your brain is already ready to receive my subliminal programming lessons.  If you do not see motion above, close your eyes and slowly count backwards from 28 to one.  Do not think about anything at all...just thoughts...just count until you reach one. Now open your eyes and look again...what do you see?  

Did you know your brain consumes more calories than any other organ in your body?  You can really think yourself thin...and so much more...just by sleeping and playing my CD's. :)


My Dream CD Package


I have 4 different sets of subliminal recordings and they are as follows:


Enhance your dreams and discover that dreams really do come true.

- proves without a doubt, we all can do what I do, 38 dream affirmations including numerology and how you can pick your own winning lottery numbers.


Getting a peaceful nights sleep and wake up refreshed to enjoy every day of your wonderful life.

- 32 dream affirmations that will put you to sleep fast!


Motivation for achieving all your goals in life and letting happiness become your natural state.

- 26 dream affirmations including personal motivation, deep meditation, and the secrets to life.


Increasing your bodies metabolism for overcoming all illness, achieving permanent weight-loss and maintaining overall good health.

- 47 dream affirmations that will help your body reach it's ideal weight, overcome illness and build up an immunity to face things to come.


In addition to the subliminal embedding, you get four different nature sound tracks to listen to during each 55 minute subliminal session...they are:

  • Ocean Waves

  • Rain

  • Wind

  • Stream


In total, I'm offering 16 CD's for you too choose from with over 16 1/2 hours of recordings proven to make a difference in your life!

Plus as a bonus, I'm going to include 4 more CD's with no nature sounds at all...only subliminal that's a total of twenty, 55 minute (over 18 hours) CD's for only $39.95

Upon purchase, you will immediately be sent download instructions for all 20 CD's where you can either stream them right from you PC, burn them right to CD or DVD, or download them straight into a iPod or any other MP3 player.


To order all 20 CD's now, click on the button below.


Re-Sell Rights to my cd collection

Sell products or services on your website or places like eBay?

Currently I'm offering my completed CD series for resale a one-time fee and you can duplicate my CD's and sell them wherever you keep 100% of the profits

If interested, click here to order now. (limited number of offers available)


Thank you and I hope these CD's are helpful to you.

Brian Ladd




Good morning Brian,

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that I downloaded the free demo of your cd, and played it all night last night. It was absolutly great, I woke up feeling great this morning. It even seemed to put my 2 yr old to sleep quickly ( he sleeps with me on occasion). For now I can't afford to purchase any of the cds,(limited income, paycheck to paycheck if that, I'm sure you know the story) but will be saving up to do so. I was wondering if maybe you can make a package deal. I know it took a lot of work to make these cds, and you did a great job.  I was thinking I can give one or two for Christmas ( probably to myself, lol) It just made me feel good, don't really know how to explain it, but I hadn't been able to sleep for days I was getting ready to buy some tylenol pm. Then last night it felt like I slept for 2 days straight.  Thank you so much Brian. I can hardly wait to be able to purchase one.



Thanks Maylin, and I'm glad its helping you...and yes I can.  Working on getting all 4 CD's available for download only, this way I can cut the price in half.  I'm also selling all four CD for $59.95 by mail, or half that by download...I just need to work on a few tech issues before I do.


WOW. this is very interesting.

Hey thank you for the lovely sleep messages . If was wonderful. Don't know exactly what you said because i was asleep but damn man, I woke up feeling good.


Oh, can I use this comment in my testimonials?

Will not post your name, just the comment.


YES Absolutely.

Brian thank you!! Thank YOU!!!!  The sleep CD is a miracle!!!


Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it....spent 5 years getting it right the first time :)


I've lost 10 pounds since you first sent me a free copy of CD 4d 2 weeks ago!!

I've never been more alive in my life!!!!


Great work as usual Brian!!!

other comments here


back to top - order now




page keywords: subliminal cds, subliminal cd, subliminal message cds, subliminal cd's, subliminal messages MP3, subliminal hypnosis, subliminal messages

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